WWE 2K22 is available on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X & S, and Xbox One. MJF vs Punk in a First Blood match, anyone? Would probably be over in one minute. All you have to do is download them and then you can play as AEW wrestlers in exhibition modes, while you can also download AEW arenas and belts thanks to the community. Players can filter by most recent, most downloaded, and most up voted, but they can also search for whatever they like - that includes AEW wrestlers like CM Punk and Bryan Danielson. You can vote on the ones you like and even add some creators to your favorites to see what else they have uploaded. Here you can browse through everything that players across all 2K22 platforms (as long as you have cross-platform on and something like PlayStation Plus) have uploaded for you to download. To download Community Creations in WWE 2K22, simply go to Online > Community Creations and then Downloads. lol you act like thats new people been doing that in 2K. I think its a good thing, people is uploading adult images in Images anyway.
Community Creations give players the chance to upload and download their favorite designs, whether that’s a wrestler, move-set, arena, or much more, and it makes a welcome return in WWE 2K22. Abe Lincolns TheDevilman 3 months ago 4 SILKA posted.
If there’s any sports franchise that’s really buoyed by its fans, it’s WWE 2K.